Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Heroes, Namesakes, and Celebrities free essay sample

In the world that we live in, it is to most people’s understanding that everybody needs certain people in their lives. Most think highly of heroes such as family members like a father or perhaps a well known warrior influence from the past. Even famous celebrities act like role models to some through their particular success and relations between one another. In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, we see examples of heroes, celebrities, and namesakes alike as we do in the real world in which aids us in realizing both the purpose of the book, as well as important life aspects. (Huxley) Namesakes are a great example of both the celebrity and heroic type people, being people who are named after a past inspiration such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Clifford Joseph Harris Jr’s. , or even Bernard Marx of Brand New World. (Huxley) Whether it is for security, motivational purposes, or even entertainment, we all have at least one person in our lives that we admire, being our heroes and celebrities. As our lives prosper, we eventually realize that we’re fortunate enough to be involved or even just having knowledge of great people that we refer to as heroes and even celebrities. Many Heroes are idolized for their courageousness and bravery in the heat of the moment when no one else stands up the challenge. It is also their will to make a difference and pursue a task without any thought of failure that most people admire, such as war hero and our first president George Washington. George Washington served as an enlisted soldier in the Virginia militia at the age of twenty. This eventually steered him towards becoming a leader in the infamous French and Indian War. Americans would look up to George Washington as our country’s father, in which many agreed he deserved to be titled as. Despite the odds, disadvantages, and cruelness of war Washington stood up for his country. George Washington knew he would have to put his men and himself through cold, wet and wary battles, but never the less he led us towards our freedoms. When it comes to celebrities, most see them as their source of entertainment, though that is also a stereotypical comment. Some celebrities could be easily seen as heroes though if one can tell the difference. A great example would be rap artist Clifford Joseph Harris Jr. , or better known as T. I. This inspirational rapper is famous for his classic hit songs, though others who aren’t fans of his music might know of him from a heroic act of his. One day on his way to his recording studio in Atlanta Georgia, T. I. heard from a news report that a man was threatening to jump off a twenty-two story building to his death. (Huey) After hearing of this, Harris Jr. went contacted a radio station which was within the building and recorded a motivational video persuading the man not to jump. This being T. I. ’S talent, he was done in no time. The authorities quickly showed the video to the confused man and he understood that his life as all others was too precious to throw away. Right after the man retreated from the rooftop he and T. I. had a long conversation in a room of that building where through the heroic artist’s brought the man to a realization. (Huey) It was that day where Harris Jr. was seen than more than a rapper, but a hero. Celebrities like T. I. are the kind of people who set great examples to others in this world. Other actors look at themselves as ordinary people after committing heroic actions such as Vin Diesel who saved a family from a burning car, and Harrison Ford who transported an injured woman from a mountain out of free will from his own private helicopter; the same copter that he loans his local rescuers to save thousands of dollars per trip. It is also that state of mind that tells them that they are just doing what is right and are ordinary just as the rest of us that truly makes them heroes on top of their celebrity statuses. Not every celebrity can say that they have saved lives and brought peace to a society, but a fair bunch can say that they have indeed made great changes. Heroes such as George Washington, as mentioned earlier, could have easily said that he had made an impact in honestly every Americans life. Washington along with every other war hero did more than their voluntary part in protecting us all and our beautiful home. Little negative change is seen from most heroes, but some may argue that they exist. Going in to namesakes, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , progeny of Dr. Martin Luther King Sr. , carried on in his father’s footsteps as a representative speaker for black rights. Luther King’s words from his many speeches, especially the infamous I Had a Dream speech, were some of his admirable efforts he used to fight towards more freedoms for the Negro Americans. Eventually King’s fighting lead to success, though he did not live to see it. King was assassinated by a racist man, referring to how really only racist people would have seen this great change for blacks as negative. It is more than obvious though that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s work was out of strong belief and determination, completely positive. When reading Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World novel, certain heroes stand out. More than apparent, Henry Ford creator of the model T automobile is seen as perhaps more than a hero. (Huxley) Not only does the era in which the book takes place record their time from the day after his death, but they portray him as a person of worship. Through Ford’s success as an inventor, he became the world’s most important icon in the selection, becoming more than worthy to hold the title of a hero. Were it not for his real life accomplishments, the Brave New World would have been based on something else entirely. (Huxley), Then there is Helmholtz Watson, an Alpha lecturer of the College of Emotional Engineering sets inspiration to his own caste alone. A heroic trait in Watson that is obvious to readers would be is want to do more with his unique skill. Suffering of boredom, Watson feels that his work is now insignificant and wishes to put his writing skill to better use. Being an attractive, smart, strong and well known person at World state he already shows symbols of a hero. Even with these personality traits, it is his want to do more for the better through his writings that gives him hero like quality. Getting into the celebrities so to speak in the selection Brave New World, a few names come to mind. (Huxley). John Savage and Bernard would be two fine examples. Bernard is celebrity like in the sense that he is basically the main character, and that he becomes fairly popular in the World State after his visit to the reservation. He wants things that he simply can’t have such as the sex life that he was so jealous and criticizing about until he got it. Becoming and realizing that he is now a hypocrite, Bernard loses his celebrity like status and makes it clearer to understand how he is not the hero type. John â€Å"Savage† is who takes Bernard spot light after he starts to fade away from the story is surely described as a propagandist. He is seen as an outcast by both the world state and the savage Indian tribe seeing how they don’t let him participate in their rituals, and how the world state does not practice the religion. Though John eventually committed suicide, he stood to what he believed in through his optimistic and naive personality which made him stand out towards others. Relating to the purpose of the book, his death could be recognized by the reader as madness that was his escape from the world he lived in that could not accept his beliefs. As read in Aldous Huxley’s Brand New World, heroes and celebrities alike share common qualities. (Shmoop). Leadership and determination are two of the characteristics that can be found as traits from these two titles in characters from the novel as well as people in today’s real world. To conclude this writing, I find it safe to say that celebrities such as T. I. and Bernard Marx can relate to us through so much action and sensibility. Also that it is Heroes such as George Washington and Henry Ford who make our lives even possible.

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