Sunday, December 29, 2019

New Manager of Human Resource - 2390 Words

Q1. Discuss the relationship between corporate human resources structure andoperations at the plant level. What impact, if any, did that relationship have on thesituation described by Newcombe? Answer: After investigation of Mount Ridge Engineering ¶s corporate human resource structure and plant operation procedures, in my opinion currently the relationships between humanresource policies and actual plant operations are very weak. Although we can say that thehuman resource department has established a fairly complete set of procedures and policies,the actual implementation of the policies at plant level operations do not seem to be thoroughenough, no employee implement those rules. Especially, the staffing function is very weak.There is†¦show more content†¦Sheneeds to investigate if there were any friction between Braxton and Johnson. After allinvestigations, if she finds that Braxton is to be blamed for all the mess, then necessarydisciplinary actions should be taken against Braxton according to company ¶s policy.Here are some alternative solutions to Newcombe to handle this situation:1. C orrecting the leave reason for Johnson as per his request and don ¶t let the issue to gooutside the organization.2. Try to retain Johnson by incrementing reasonable amount in salary (fulfilling hismajor motivation factor). Because he deserves higher salary as per his extraordinary performance ( several times he had handled equipment operator ¶s problem that no oneelse could handle).3. Re-designing the termination form and process procedure : The HR department should be involved in the sign loop, employees should maintain the reason of leave and norevise of the termination form is allowed. For the process procedure, all terminationforms should be feedback to HR department, and the employees should have theinterview with HR department as well.4. Maintain a HR officer in each plant. If it is expensive, at least corporate office cantrain a person in each plant to look after the HR function and report to the corporateHR Department.5. Auditing each department to know if it implement company policy or not.6. Setting up aShow MoreRelatedRole Of Human Resources Manager For The New Human Resource Manager1599 Words   |  7 Pagesfive-star hotel needs to find a suitable candidate for the role of Human Resources Manager for the new Human Resources Department that the hotel is about to create. The hotel is suffering many problems due to poor service in its four food beverage outlets. Apart from that, employee turnover is increasing and union disputes over pay rise and lack of employee development in hotel caused many issues. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Twain’s Huckleberry Finn and Kerouac’s On the Road †The...

Twain’s Huckleberry Finn and Kerouac’s On the Road – The River and the Road One element that separates a good novel from a great novel is its enduring effects on society. A great novel transcends time; it changes and mirrors the consciousness of a civilization. One such novel is Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. For the past one hundred and fifteen years, it has remained in print and has been one of the most widely studied texts in high schools and colleges. According to Lionel Trilling, its success is due to Twain’s â€Å"voice of unpretentious truth† (92) embodied in the young narrator Huck Finn who reveals the hypocrisy and moral deprivation of society through his innocent observations. It is a picaresque novel, or novel of†¦show more content†¦Mark Twain’s influence upon Kerouac is evident in On the Road as is suggested in biographical details. Warren French states in his biography of Kerouac that Kerouac’s first attempt to write a novel at age 11 was â€Å"an apparently quite slavish imitation of [ Twain’s] Adventures of Huckleberry Finn† (4), and Gerald Nicosia notes that Twain was one of the writers that Kerouac followed in his use of â€Å"idiomatic American diction† (344). In addition, Kerouac himself warns his editor Helen Taylor in a letter, â€Å"no more irresponsible copy editing of my Mark Twain Huckleberry prose† (131). He imitated the naà ¯ve prose of Twain that only observes life and does not judge it, thereby creating an honest reflection of life that ultimately affects the moral sensibilities of its audience. One human aspect of life that is mirrored in the two narratives is the familial relationship between each novel’s two main characters. Huck would be as incomplete without Jim, as Sal would be without Dean. Every place that Huck lives with Jim is his home. When they return to the island after finding a corpse housebound and drifting, Huck explains, â€Å"We got home all safe† (Twain 72), and after the fog separates them, he conveys, â€Å"We said there warn’t no home like a raft, after all† (124). Their relationship, symbolized in their emphasis of â€Å"home,† reveals the need for strong familial ties that enable them to overcome the harsh social realities they encounter. In a similar manner, Sal Paradise and

Friday, December 13, 2019

Dietary Manipulation For Arthritis Free Essays

A rheumatic disease, or what is commonly called as arthritis is the inflammation of the joints and also affects the skeletal muscles, bones, ligaments, cartilages and tendons for both males and females (Smeltzer Bare). The goals and strategies involved in the treatment of the disease consists of suppressing the inflammation and the autoimmune response of the patient through pharmacologic therapy, controlling the patient’s pain by joint protection and easing pain with splint use, thermal modalities and relaxation techniques, and maintenance or improvement of the joint’s mobility through the implementation of exercise programs for joint motion and strengthening the muscles and the patient’s overall health (Smeltzer Bare). In addition, other goals and strategies include the maintenance or improvement of the patient’s functional status through utilization of adaptive techniques and devices, increasing the patient’s knowledge of the disease process by providing and reinforcing patient teaching, and promotion of self-management by the patient’s compatibility with the therapeutic regimen by emphasizing this compatibility (Smeltzer Bare). We will write a custom essay sample on Dietary Manipulation For Arthritis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Pharmacologic treatment for patients with this disease includes medications like salicylates, NSAIDS, and disease – modifying antirheumatic drugs (Kee, Hayes, and McCuistion). However, given that the patient does not want to take any pharmacologic measures, dietary manipulation will be utilized and this involves the exclusion of food items in the diet and the intake of specific minerals. However, dietary manipulation is not greatly acknowledged as one of the therapeutic management for arthritis, mainly because there are no enough researches that can prove its efficiency (Rayman and Pattison). However, some research show that around 30% to 40% of the rheumatoid patients can benefit from excluding foods individually identified during the reintroduction phase of an elimination diet. Albeit it might be mentioned in passing during a nurse’s health teaching on which food items to avoid, which to eat in moderation, and which to eat in great amounts, there is no wide acceptance of this strategy yet (Rayman and Pattison). Several therapeutic diets are available for use by patients with rheumatoid arthritis. The exclusion diet, the elemental diet, the fasting and vegan diet, and the Mediterranean diet, are among them. The exclusion diet is based on the evidence that the removal of certain food items in the patient’s diet can benefit the patient as evidenced by 36% of the patients claimed that they were much better after the food exclusions and 39% asserted feeling better, after the study that was conducted (Rayman and Pattison). These were supported with objective measurements that showed a decrease in pain and in the number of painful joints, a reduction in morning stiffness, a decrease in the time it took to walk 20 yards, improvement in grip strength, among many others (Rayman and Pattison). Some of the food items that cause worse symptoms are corn, wheat, bacon or pork, oranges, milk, eggs, and beef (Rayman and Pattison). The elemental diet requires the intake of monosaccharide and disaccharides, amino acids, and medium-chain triglycerides, with the addition of vitamin and mineral supplements (Rayman and Pattison). This diet has shown to stimulate enhancements in the subjective measures of arthritis symptoms and it was asserted that when weaned from the diet the usual symptoms return. However, the effectiveness of the diet is surpassed by the poor tolerance of the patients. The fasting and the vegan diet seems to have an anti-inflammatory effect and offers relief of pain during fasting and the presence of pain when eating is resumed (Rayman and Pattison). Hence, fasting is followed by a vegan diet as an alternative. The ‘Mediterranean diet’ is named as such because it reflects the certain patterns of eating that is employed by countries in the Mediterranean basin and it is comprised of plant foods like fruits, vegetables, wholegrain cereals, fish and poultry with the olive oil as the main source of lipid (Rayman and Pattison). Several reasons can explain why these diets can help alleviate symptoms in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. The food items that are to be eliminated are those in which the patient is allergic or intolerant to and can reduce IgG antibody levels and moreover, reduction in food intake can help decrease gastrointestinal permeability to bacteria and other antigens (Rayman and Pattison). In addition, the change in the gut’s flora and the exclusion of lectins in legumes can also help alleviate the symptoms. The 50 year old patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis can be given one of the aforementioned dietary manipulations if she chooses not to take anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive medication. The diet that can best fit her would be the fasting or vegan diet because of its anti-inflammatory effect that can serve as an alternative to the drugs that the patient is not taking. The patient would be advised to fast and to follow fasting by a pure vegetarian diet. This diet is to exclude all kinds of meat which includes fish and chicken meat, and all other products that are made from animals, like eggs, cheese, milk, and honey (Kovacs). It is first best to inform that patient of all the other dietary manipulations that are available for patients with rheumatoid arthritis and justify the selection chosen for the patient and how this will help alleviate her symptoms and can somehow be an alternate to taking drugs. However, the patient should be notified of the possible side effects of this diet and the consequences of not taking the recommended drugs to her illness. Given her vegan diet, it is still needed that the patient consume and have a balanced diet. The patient should be given a diet plan which consists of the proper balance of protein, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables. The most common vegan food that can be utilized for the patient’s diet are tofu, black-eyed peas, broccoli, soy yogurt or milk, Spinach and whole wheat bread, among many others (Kovacs). These can supply the adequate protein needs of the patient and hence, she can still receive a balanced diet in spite of having utilized the vegetarian diet. How to cite Dietary Manipulation For Arthritis, Papers